脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote

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自從 2020 年初獲選成為 AWS Community Hero 之後,就遇上了疫情,三年沒飛。今年很榮幸受邀能夠實體登入位於 Las Vegas 的 AWS 年度開發者大會 re:Invent 2022,能夠再次體驗各種現場活動,相當開心。

連續三年拆解了每年 AWS re:Invent 四場 Keynotes 當中最多人關注的 CEO Keynote,今年來嘗試整理其他場次的 Keynote,也許在整理的過程中會有不同的收穫,然後順便將這些整理的結果與大家分享。


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摘要 tl;dr




今年 Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of AWS Data and Machine Learning 這場演講的架構相當乾淨清晰,而且拆解後其實有很多有趣的小細節,我覺得埋梗埋得很漂亮,是一場很精緻的演講。(對我這種括號人來說 :p)


整個演講基本上就是 一個主軸「Connect the dots」,以及三個段落

  • 開場鋪梗 / Opening
    • 今年開場動畫視覺中有先帶出 “dot” 但文字引導大家想成 “data”。
    • “dot” 是這邊的關鍵。大家想成有一個很長遠的佈局,通常都是「點、線、面」。(關於「點、線、面」可以延伸閱讀我有一篇冷門文章 【秦始皇來不及統一的 點線面 度量單位】。)
    • Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian 走出來後介紹了三位科學家,但其實重點是最後在講 Spencer 累積三十多年經驗的 “connect the dots”,從這邊連結到他自己 “just like me do with our data”。破題完成,底下開始進入正題。
  • 把梗展開 / Core elements of a data strategy
    • Build future-proof foundations - supported by core data services 在建構未來的基礎基石,需要四個要素
      • Tools for every workload
      • Performance at scale
      • Removing heavy lifting - 簡化管理
      • Reliability and scalability
    • Weave connective tissue - across your organization
    • Democratize data - with tools and education


  • This is your idea —> 開場動畫,但其實已經在埋梗了!因為 “星星” —> “dot
    • The idea that keeps you up at night —> 例如我的 idea 讓我會 05:30 起床繼續整理這個 keynote 筆記?! XDD
    • The idea that you thought about in the shower this morning
    • But did your idea just happen?
    • Or did it come from an accumulation of
      • Live Experiences
      • Victories
      • Defeats
      • Trials
      • Errors
      • Information
      • Data
    • What happens when we connect those moments?
    • Suddenly experiences become epiphanies (頓悟).
    • How can you organize?
    • How can you unify?
    • How can you analyze your data can become your innovation?
    • How, indeed.
  • 故事時間 —> 梗慢慢浮現: 科學家花了三十年累積經驗 connect the dots + just like me do with our data
    • 科學家怎麼創新?
      • 250BC - Archimedes discovers buoyancy (浮力)
      • 1665AD - Newton discovers gravity (重力)
      • 1945AD - Spencer invents the microwave
        • Spencer 花了 20 多年經驗、實際上累積了 30 多年、connect the dots
        • Just like me do with our data
  • The human brain —> 大家可以參考 Learning How to Learn by Barbara Oakley,連結在【AWS 入門學習路線與策略】 文章裡頭有。
    • 睡覺時也在處理資料
  • The organization <— 描述問題、working backwards
    • Data isn’t centralized
    • Data don’t automatically processed
    • Data doesn’t naturally flow
    • Data isn’t easy to visualize
    • Data is the genesis for modern invention
    • Data beats intuition
  • AWS <— 做了各種資料服務 “in the cloud
    • 15yr+ years of data innovation
    • First scalable object storage in the cloud with Amazon S3
    • The first purpose-built in the cloud with Amazon DynamoDB
    • The first fully-managed warehouse in the cloud with Amazon Redshift
    • Managed data streaming with Amazon Kinesis and MSK
    • First ML IDE in the cloud with Amazon SageMaker
    • Amazon RDS scores 95 out of 100 in Gartner Solution Scorecard for dbPaaS
    • More than 1.5M AWS customers use database, analytics, or ML AWS services
      • BristolMyersSquibb - Analytics & 3D Visualization - Leveraging data services to advance drug development
      • Nielsen - Unparalleled scalability - Using data lakes to process consumer insights at scale
      • HYUNDAI - Leveraging ML - Monitoring ML models performance with 10x reduction in training time



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