脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Adam Selipsky Keynote

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自從 2020 年初獲選成為 AWS Community Hero 之後,就遇上了疫情,三年沒飛。今年很榮幸受邀能夠實體登入位於 Las Vegas 的 AWS 年度開發者大會 re:Invent 2022,能夠再次體驗各種現場活動,相當開心。

前幾年開始比較認真切進去看各家開發者大會、技術大會、研討會的主題演講 (keynote) 等內容,特別是 AWS re:Invent 相關內容,開始比較會抓得到大架構、大綱,也能感受到為什麼某些題目與題目之間的順序要作調整、哪些議題在相比較之下會先被拉掉等等。

2022 年的這場主題演講,是 AWS CEO Adam Selipsky 的第二場 re:Invent 主題演講。接續他前任 CEO Andy Jassy 在 2020 提到「Still early days for cloud」,Adam 第一年的時候,承接以「It’s still early days」開場,而 Adam 的第二年,開始走出自己的風格。


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本文刻意將大部分產品連結都先拿掉,讓大家能夠專注地閱讀(這年頭我們都少了些專注,是吧?)。若有需要產品連結,可以參閱我平常整理的 AWS 產品清單一覽表


摘要 tl;dr

打好基礎釜底抽薪 —> 拆開非同步變簡單 —> 將所有東西連起來 —> 落地執行解決問題。



今年 Adam Selipsky Keynote 兩個小時的主題演講架構段落,順序剛好跟 去年主題演講 的順序整個相反過來,他沒有安排主題,但是藉由介紹 四種環境,對應到四個段落


  • Vast 廣闊 👉 Space 太空 👉 Data 資料
  • Unfathomable 深不可測 👉 Deep Sea 深海 👉 Security 安全
  • Extreme 極端 👉 Antarctica 南極 👉 Compute 運算
  • Possibilities 各種可能性 👉 Imagination 想像 👉 Application 產業應用


  • 各種客戶的各種應用情境
    • BMW Group —> 工業
    • RIOT Games —> 遊戲
    • PrivatBank 1 —> the largest Ukrainian bank —> 銀行
    • Nasdaq —> 金融交易
    • Startups —> 不只大型企業,依據 PitchBook 2 的資料,一千多家獨角獸公司裡頭有 83% 都在 AWS 運行。
  • 現在處於領導地位,所以為下一代著想
    • 100% renewable energy by 2025 —> ESG
    • Water positive by 2030 —> ESG
  • Reduce cost —> 勉強算是延續 去年 的 IT still early 主題。不斷為客戶減少支出,也是整個亞馬遜飛輪的步驟之一。
    • Carrier: 40% reduction in costs of ERP
    • GILEAD: more than 60M saving
    • AGCO: 78% reduction in costs
  • Flexibility to scale up or down
    • Airbnb details road map to lower cloud costs —> savings of USD 63.5M 在疫情期間用量降低,所以雲端成本也馬上跟著減少 27%。
  • Innovate faster
  • Be prepared for anything

1. Vast 廣闊 👉 Space 太空 👉 Data 資料

  • 望遠鏡
    • 1609 年,伽利略拿到凸透鏡改良望遠鏡的故事、望遠鏡 10x、
    • 花了好幾個世紀人類才進到火箭世代、
    • 然後我們將望遠鏡送上太空,直接偵測各種可見光與不可見光、2014 哈伯望遠鏡、2019 詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡
    • 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars
    • 為了探索這廣闊的星空,人類需要各式各樣的工具,包含發射各種火箭、衛星、打造太空站等等 —> 需要各種系統、各種團隊一起合作,才能拼湊出來解讀各種觀測數據
  • Data explosion
    • 如何管理這大量且不斷產生的資料,是個問題。
    • The vast realm… of data
      • expedia group - 600B AI prediction per year
      • SAMSUNG - 1.1 B users make 80,000 requests per second
      • Pinterest - 1 exabyte of data
  • Exploring the vast data realm
    • Right tools (Databases + Analytics + ML/AI)
      • Databases
        • Amazon Aurora —> 先講相容,再講效能比原本的還快數倍
      • Analytics
        • AWS Analytics Services —> 故意留了一個在右下角沒有「Serverless」,其他全部都有
        • Amazon Redshift
        • [NEW 🚀] OpenSearch Service Serverless (Preview) —> 果然
      • ML/AI
        • AI services
        • Amazon SageMaker
      • Guest: Biljana Kaitovic, EVP, Digital & IT and Group CIO, ENGIE
        • energy provider in France
        • World Energy Actor | ENGIE
        • 1882 年發明交流電的特斯拉
        • 9,000 in 1882 —> 180,000 terawatt-hours TODAY —> 270,000 in 2050 (50% increase)
        • Accessible, affordable, secure, green
        • data and digital play a key role in energy transition —> 難怪今年跑出一堆 energy 相關議程?!
        • 1 - optimizing renewable energies
        • 2 - managing decentralized energy - 各家屋頂上的太陽能發電 - 提到 blockchain
        • 3- reducing energy usage - IoT
        • more than 1 petabyte data
        • commonDataHub
        • 60% savings on runtime in the cloud
    • Integration
      • combine the data from different data source
      • ETL —> 惡夢
      • “… thankless, unsustainable black hole”
      • A better way
        • (4 points here)
      • A Zero ETL future…
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift (Available in Preview Today)
        • Near real-time analytics and ML on transactional data
        • Consolidate data from multiple Aurora databases
        • Updates automatically and continuously
        • Serverless - no infra to manage
      • Apache Spark
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark (GA)
    • Governance
      • Control vs Access
        • Too much control —> Silos
        • Too much access
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon DataZone (Coming Soon)
        • Bringing data and people together
          • data producers
            • Set up business data catalog
            • Populate with metadata, labels…(缺)
          • data consumers
            • search and browse catalog, request access
            • Define data projects
        • Analytics integrations
          • Redshift, QuickSight, Athena, Partner API
    • Insights
      • Amazon QuickSight
        • [NEW 🚀] Operational paginated reports
      • Amazon QuickSight Q - 直接問 Q 問題
        • [NEW 🚀] ML-powered forecasting with Q (GA Today)
        • [NEW 🚀] "Why" questions with Q (GA Today)
    • The vast realm of data summary 收尾 —> 準備進入下一個 realm?

2. Unfathomable 深不可測 👉 Deep Sea 深海 👉 Security 安全

  • 壓力艙, 聲納
  • Confidence to explore —> 講回去 Digital transformation
    • Secure Global Infrastructure
    • Secure and agile
  • Confidence to build and explore
  • Thousands of security solutions - 在 Marketplace 上面有一堆安全解決方案
    • OCSF - Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework
    • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Security Lake (Available in Preview Today)
      • —> 好奇是不是 partner solutions 放上 marketplace 後,用量不夠多?乾脆重新打包,讓大家更方便取用,雙贏。
      • 分成四個象限來拆解:AWS vs Partner + Source vs Analytics
        • Memo: Adam 都有隨著投影片的版面,適當走位耶!:p

3. Extreme 極端 👉 Antarctica 南極 👉 Compute 運算

  • Memo: 這段的開場影片,在現場真的有配合打超亮閃燈模擬閃電!
  • 南極洲
    • Captain Robert F. Scott
    • Roald Amundsen
    • 小馬 ponies, 雪地狗
  • “Good enough” simply isn’t good enough
    • F1 - Reduced simulation time by 70%
    • Epic games - 100M+ players supported (Real-time gaming)
    • Nielsen - Hundred of billions of events per day
  • 600+ instance types (去年 475)
  • AWS Nitro
  • Graviton3 - 25% faster than Graviton2
    • directTV use Graviton3 to support 5G network
    • [NEW 🚀] C7gn Instance for EC2, Powered by Graviton3 (Available in Preview Today)
    • Memo: EC2 instance type 名字裡面有 g
  • Machine Learning
    • Training —> 訓練 model
      • Trn1 Instance for EC2 -50% lower training cost —> 去年發表的
        • qualtrics XM - 40% reduction in cost
    • Inference —> 用 model 跑預測
      • [NEW 🚀] Inf2 Instances for EC2 (Available in Preview Today)
  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
    • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - 48x more target drug molecules identified
    • Designed for HPC
    • EC2 Instances for HPC workloads
      • Compute intensive - Hpc6a
      • Compute and network intensive - [NEW 🚀] Hpc7g (Coming soon)
      • Data and memory intensive - [NEW 🚀] Hpc6id (GA Today)
  • Guest: Cedrik Neike, CEO, Digital Industrials, SIEMENS
    • Space Perspective - Revolutionizing space travel —> Space Perspective dot com
    • 1- Siemens software on AWS
      • Siemens star-CMM+ Multiphsics simulation software
      • Amazon EC2 c5 instances
    • 92% Fortune 500 公司使用 Siemen Software
    • 24 of 25 cars manufacturers use our software
    • Dream it —> Make it
    • Industrial Revolution 4.0
      • Siemens + AWS
      • AWS has helped Siemen move industrial software to the cloud —> 昨天在路上和 Arm 的人聊到他們也有個部門和 AWS 合作,將兩邊軟體(韌體+雲端)串接起來
      • A modern factory produces 2,200 TB of data per month (OT side)
      • Unlocking the potential of industrial data
      • example: NORTHVOLT
        • Factory gateway —> Kinesis —> Lambda —> DynamoDB —> RDS + S3 —> Athena
      • We scale good ideas
        • MENDIX - 200,000 users?
    • 收尾
      • 1- Siemens software on AWS
      • 2- Combinging AWS cloud services with industrial data
      • 3- Enabling builders with low-code application tools
  • Spatial Simulation 空間模擬
    • 3D engines - Unreal Engine & Unity
    • 車流控制模擬
    • [NEW 🚀] AWS SimSpace Weaver (GA) - Run massive spatial simulations without managing infra
  • All your extremes —> 前一段收尾?!

4. Possibilities 各種可能性 👉 Imagination 想像 👉 Application 產業應用

  • Imagination not only lets us create new worlds, it lets us live in them. –> 以為要開始講 web3、元宇宙 XDD 但其實是真實客戶在各個產業領域的應用場景,每次 keynote 最喜歡聽這一段,離現場比較近距離。
  • Removing constraints
    • Amazon Connect - Contact center in the cloud
      • 10M+ Connect interactions per day
      • priceline 有上千人晚上在家接線
      • [NEW 🚀] ML driven forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling (GA)
      • [NEW 🚀] Contact Lens with agent performance management (Available in Preview Today)
      • [NEW 🚀] Agent workspace with guided step-by-step actions (Available in Preview Today)
      • (今年有罐頭掌聲耶?!)
    • Supply chain complexity
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Supply Chain (Available in Preview Today)
        • Unified UI
        • Select data source e.g. EDI, SAP, S3 –> 以後上架 Amazon.com (應該)就可以輕鬆串接 EDI 惹! :p
        • Data lake
        • Inventory
        • ML prediction
          • New insights
          • In review
  • Combining disparate ideas
    • Protected environments for analyzing data
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Clean Rooms (Preview in a few weeks)
        • 清資料的好地方! –> 以後進去無塵室也可以改成呼叫 API 嗎?(歪樓 :p
        • Market behavior data, reporting data, user data —> AWS Clean Rooms
        • Relevant campaigns while protecting customer data
        • Clean room setup —> Data collaboration (先講大綱,再講細節)
    • Identity Resolution
    • Healthcare
      • Guest: Liz Homans, CEO, Lyell Immunopharma
        • 40/100 people will develop cancer in their lifetime
        • 2000 of you could one day be a person with cancer
        • 250 of us are already cancer survivors
        • Cell therapy is the next frontier —> 大到太空,小到細胞
        • 90% of all cancers are solid tumor cancers
        • 接著進入 T 細胞小教室 :p
        • Testing T-cell therapies today
        • LyFE
        • All of possible workshop
      • AWS for Health
      • Challenges of omics
        • cost
        • scale
        • specialist tools
        • privacy
      • Omics 小教室
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Omics (GA)
    • Retail
      • Just walk out technology by amazon
      • “Amazon one” 揮揮手結掌,喔不,是結帳?!
  • Collaboration
  • 收尾
  • Transforming X
    • Transforming innovation
    • Transforming penalties of failure
    • Transforming decision making
    • Transforming culture


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