推薦!Dirk Didascalou (VP, IoT, AWS) 以 “If you knew the state of every thing and could reason on top of that data…” “What problems would you solve?” 破題,帶出 IoT 兩大用途 Operational efficiency 與 Revenue growth,以及 三個迭代循環進程 Edge and devices, Connectivity and control, Analytics and ML/AI,以此架構介紹當今全球使用 AWS IoT 的現況(上萬客戶、90% Fortune 100、0.5B+ Active endpoints per month、0.5T+ Payload messages per month),以及 1NCE、Lenovo、Carrier、HITACHI Lumada、Univ of MELBOURNE 等的產界學界案例介紹。
在介紹轉變明日時,開頭就先講 AWS 是跟著客戶一起開發新功能的,並在 AWS 的四個進程變化中帶入顏色,由基礎設施打底之後,往分析與工業方向走。並以五個問題來介紹今年對應的幾個主要功能發布。最後介紹紐澳的 Vector 能源公司做結尾,用 app store 概念介紹能源應用也是滿好讓人理解的好說法。
Connect today, transform tomorrow with AWS IoT
- Dirk Didascalou, AWS Speaker, VP IoT, AWS
- Microsoft
- Nokia
- BenQ
- Siemens AG
- Simon Mackenzie, Group Chief Executive - Vector
- Nikhil Ravishankar, Chief Digital Officer - Vector
- If you knew the state of every thing and could reason on top of that data…
- What problems would you solve?
- What customers are doing wtih AWS IoT?
- Operational efficiency (IoT data decreases OpEx)
- Data-driven
- Intelligent decisions
- Increased efficiency
- Revenue growth (IoT data drives business growth)
- Better relationships
- Better products
- New business models
- Operational efficiency (IoT data decreases OpEx)
- IoT virtuous cycle
- Edge and devices (yellow)
- Connectivity and control (green)
- Analytics and ML/AI (blue)
- Note: 顏色貫穿整場演講投影片
- Edge and devices
- AWS IoT Greengrass
- FreeRTOS
- AWS IoT Device SDK
- AWS IoT Device Tester
- …
- AWS RoboMaker
- AWS Snowball Edge
- AWS Storage Gateway
- AWS Outposts
- AWS Wavelength
- Connectivity and control
- AWS IoT Core
- AWS IoT Device Management
- AWS IoT Device Defender
- …
- AWS Kinesis
- Analytics and ML/AI
- AWS IoT SiteWise
- AWS IoT Analytics
- AWS IoT Events
- AWS IoT Things Graph
- …
- Amazon SageMaker
- Amazon Athena
- Amazon QuickSight
- Amazon RDS
- Amazon Timestream
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Amazon S3
- Achieve business outcomes faster
- Build: AWS IoT Services
- Engage: AWS Partners
- Deploy: Ready-made solutions
- AWS IoT partnership approach
- Note: 前面講三個,後面馬上接 partnership 意圖很明顯惹,大部分情況下這個可能最快 XD
- Edge to Outcome Partner Value Chain
- Edge to device
- Silicon
- Connectivity
- Gateway
- Network/Carrier
- Solution to outcome
- Regional SI
- Global SI
- 4 mechanisms
- Note: 整合過程中有這四種機制做保護與保證,縮短時程
- Silicon Acceleration
- Device Qualification
- GSI/SI Practices
- IoT Solutions
- AWS IoT Edge-to-Outcome Community
- AWS Partner Device Catalog
- Development Kit
- Sensor
- Gateway/Router
- Asset Tracker
- Industrial PC
- Camera
- Cellular Modem
- …
- AWS and Partner IoT Solutions
- AWS IoT Solution Repository
- AWS for Industrial Note: 工業用途的看這邊
- Connected Factory
- Supply Chain Asset Tracking
- Energy Management
- Camera Connector
- Asset Management
- Connected Vehicle
- Asset Condition Monitoring
- …
Connect today
- Customers choose AWS IoT
10s of thousands
Fortune 100 use AWS Partners and solutions>0.5B
Active endpoints per month>0.5T
Payload messages per month>300
AWS and Partners IoT solutions>500
Qualified partner devices- #1 Real-time OS
4x segment market share (35%) vs. next-closer competitor
- Case: 1NCE
- Offering secure and easy-to-handle cellular connectivity for IoT devices.
- Full integration with AWS IoT using 1NCE IoT Connectivity Suite.
- Global connectivity to Tier 1 mobile networks.
- Accelerated IoT solution deployment.
- Flat-rate pricing.
- AWS Marketplace (contact 1NCE if you need more)
- Global connectivity
- Up to 100 SIMs
- Free of charge 12 months
- 50MB inclusive
- Upgrade to flat rate pricing: $10 / 10yrs/ 500MB possible at any time
- Get your SIM: aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B08LXZTNWJ
- Case: Lenovo
- Commercial IoT management platform for intelligent solutions
- Built on AWS IoT to monitor at scale across millions of devices and billions of messages
- Uniform management offers multiple solutions in one platform
- Maximize uptime and ROI
- Case: Carrier
- Lynx platform to optimize cold chian operations for perishable foods and medication
- Built on AWS IoT to manage temperature-controlled transport and storage of perishables at scale
- Reduce waste with low cargo spoilage
- Low logistic costs
- A leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT Platforms
- Lumada can be deployed with AWS IoT services to deliver advanced digital industrial solutions.
- End-to-end customer experience (from design to solution) makes it easy to adopt IIoT solution
- Reduce energy costs, identify equipment issues, and improve product quality.
- Case: Univ of MELBOURNE
- Smart campus initiative for space utilization, energy reporting, and safe buildings.
- Use AWS IoT to collect sensor data, from energy meters to connected hand sanitizers.
savings in 2020- Proactive service maintenance
- Safe return to campus
Transform Tomorrow
- A customer-centric roadmap
- Connectivity, iRobot, 2015/2016 AWS IoT Core
- Edge, enel, 2016/2017 AWS IoT Greengrass + FreeRTOS
- Control and analytics, PHILIP, 2017/2018 AWS IoT Device Management, AWS IoT Device Defender, AWS IoT Analytics
- Analytics / industrial, Bayer CropScience, 2019/2020 AWS IoT Events, AWS IoT SiteWise
- Note: 可以留意投影片上這四個進程的顏色變化,基礎設施打底之後往分析與工業方向走
How can I easily build and manage IoT device software at the edge?
- AWS IoT Greengrass
- Security and AWS Secrets Manager
- Local Messaging
- Local Actions
- Container Support
- Stream Manager
- ML Inference
- AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0
- A flexible edge platform to easily build, deploy, and manage device software across millions of devices
- Completely modular
- Deploy device software at scale
- Locally deployable and configurable
- NEW! AWS IoT Greengrass is now open source!
- Case: Arthrex
- Leading provider of orthopedic (骨科) products, building the next-generation smart hub for operating room devices
- Use AWS IoT Greengrass for offline data processing for mission-critical device communication
- Improved visibility into procedure statuses and better patient outcomes
How can I ensure my FreeRTOS libraries and maintained and secure?
- FreeRTOS long-term support (FreeRTOS LTS)
- Get predictability and feature stability for two years with FreeRTOS LTS libraries.
- Feature stability
- Security updates and critical fixes
- Updateable, secure connectivity
- Case: SOLshare
- SOLshare pioneered a peer-to-peer solar energy trading microgrid, supporting affordable electricity for Bangladesh communities
- Use FreeRTOS LTS on constrained MCUs for microgrid logic connecting securely to AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS IoT Core
- Managing a fleet of peer-to-peer microgrid devices
- Gathering telemetry data for advanced analytices
How can I easily connect LoRaWAN devices to AWS?
- [NEW!] AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
- Connect LoRaWAN devices to AWS IoT Core without developing or operating a LoRa Network Server
- Managed LoRa Network Server
- Fast application development
- Best-in-class pricing
- Case: ComplianceMate
- Allow restaurants, convenient stores, and hospitality to monitor and maintain compliance to food safety regulations of perishable goods.
- Use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to connect temperature sensors in restaurant refrigeration and freezer units.
- Ensure cusomter food safety while reducing risk of food perishing
How can I quickly monitor and troubleshoot my IoT fleets remotely?
- [NEW!] Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management
- Fully managed web application to view and interact with your device fleets connected to AWS
- Integrate with existing identity systems
- Deploy in minutes with no code
- Interact with your fleets
How can I monitor my industrial assets on the shop floor?
- AWS IoT SiteWise Edge
- Collect, process, and visualize equipment data on premises, even when disconnected, before sending it to AWS Cloud destinations
- Local data collections and processing
- Locally monitor and visualize assets
- Disconnected operation with consistent asset models
- Runs on third-party gateways, AWS Outposts, or AWS Snow Family
- More great new AWS IoT features
- AWS IoT EduKit
- AWS IoT Core
- Apache Kafka Actions & AWS VPC Actions for Rules Engine
- AWS IoT Device Defender
- ML Detect (in preview)
- Custom Metrics
- AWS IoT SiteWise
- Alarms (in preview)
- Grafana Plugin
- AWS IoT Events
- Alarms (in preview)
- Case: VOLKSWAGAN Group
- One of the largest Industry 4.0 projects – Digital Production Platform – key lever to boost plant productivity by 30%
- A global platform built using AWS IoT, combining data from machines, systems, and plants.
- Production and supply chain use cases across 120+ plants
- Costs savings of sereral billion euros expected
- Integrating suppliers and partners worldwide
- Case: Blackberry QNX
- IVY, in-vehicle intelligent edge software solution for next-generation automative experiences
- Cutomers can use AWS IoT edge and cloud services to collect insights and use data to enhance machine learning capability
- New vehicle insights and in-vehicle experiences
- Auto OEMs retain total ownership and control of vehicle data
Introducing Vector
- Vector: creating a new energy future
- On the New Zealand stock exchange, market cap $4.4B
- Majority owned by community trust – Entrust, ensuring alignment between customers and shareholders
- Operate in NZ, Australia, Pacific Islands
- Single-Flow
- Generation
- Transmission
- Distribution
- Home/Business
- The real case
- Vector model: The New Energy Platform
- An app store for energy-specific apps
- The first app is the meter information app