Talk: Why re:Invent & How to re:Invent

Post Title Image (Illustration: AWS re:Cap Events, re:Invent 2022 Watch Party Taipei. Image source: Credits to Tammy.)


Today I am honored to be invited to participate in the re:Invent 2022 Watch Party in Taipei, one of the AWS re:Cap series events in Taiwan. Saw a lot of old friends and made a few new ones too :)

Share the personal experience of physically logging into Las Vegas to participate in re:Invent 2022 last month, share the thinking behind why you should physically participate in AWS re:Invent 2022, how to efficiently absorb 4 keynotes totaling 7 hours, etc.


Further reading: 👉【Tupao Product Development Framework】

Next step

If you feel that this thread dismantling note has caught the key points you want to read and is helpful to you, I hope to continue this kind of in-depth article in the future, welcome to pat and feed me a coffee ☕, or forward the article to your friends and colleagues, community, thank you for your encouragement and support.

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