Flutter/App Store Connect Warning: ITMS-90078 Missing Push Notification Entitlement

flutter (Illustration: Formosan Blue Magpie, which is a endemic species in Taiwan, flapping its wings. Image source: Wikipedia。)

Issue Description

Our team keep receiving an email from App Store Connect when we distribute a build into it with this subject “App Store Connect: Your app "{appName}" (Apple ID: {id} Version: {version} Build: {build}) has one or more issues”.

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Think in Context: AWS re:Invent 2020 Andy Jassy Keynote

(Translation in progress…)


Last year (finally) it was my first trip to participate in AWS re:Invent 2019. I arrived with couple tens of thousands of people (squeezed together) in Las Vegas to enjoy a full week of high-density information flow, which is very unforgettable.

With the experience of last year, although this year has been adjusted to be online, I can catch the pace and rhythm relatively, and can relax and enjoy the information bombing of the weeks in accordance with the Asian time zone (which year did not bomb?)

The number of Keynote sessions of AWS re:Invent this year (2020) has also increased and adjusted compared to last year. Last year’s show was the Monday Night Live, where everyone just started the carnival on Monday night. Peter DeSantis brought information about the infra. This year it became independent and directly renamed “Infrastructure Keynote”. This year also added a new “Machine Learning Keynote” brought by Swami Sivasubramanian.

The three remaining keynotes are “Andy Jassy Keynote”, “AWS Partner Keynote” and “Werner Vogels Keynote”. Each keynote has its own main axis. This article shares the Taiwan time zone. The rebroadcast of “Andy Jassy Keynote” starts at 8 am here. At this time, breakfast and a pot of hot tea are good fit. Don’t worry that it’s a few hours away from the first broadcast. AWS CEO Andy Jassy mentioned in this Keynote “Still early days for cloud”, and now the cloud only accounts for 4% of all IT expenditures, there is no problem with a few hours of shift.

For the full text, I tried to capture the structure of the speech, and then put some observations and inferences, and then put some running notes in each paragraph to facilitate future search and use. New services or new features are marked with [NEW 🚀] in this article, so that you can press Command/Ctrl+F to search inside the page. This article deliberately removes most of the product links first, so that everyone can focus on reading (we are less focused these years, right?). You are also welcome to give me some feedback or corrections.

Let’s get started!

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Notes: Getting Started with AWS IoT Services

(Illustration: Before setting up the Raspberry Pi, let’s have a raspberry cake and relax:p Image source: Photo by Josselyn Solorzano on Unsplash)

Notes taking about the video Getting Started with AWS IoT Services presented by Kevin Tinn and hosted by AWS Meetup Group (Denver) on August 5, 2020. (The meetup event page is here. The slide is here.)


  • Overview of IoT Services
    • IoT Core
    • Greengrass
    • IoT Analytics
  • Raspberry Pi Setup
  • Demo: Communicating Directly with IoT Core
  • Connecting to cloud-based Data Pipeline
  • Configure Greengrass
  • Q&A

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Environment Preparation for AWS CDK Pull Request

(Illustration: The chef on the yacht is preparing salads for the guests one by one. In the process of preparing the environment required for CDK PR, we need to yarn build each package one by one. Image source: by wreindl.)

While watching Pahud’s video EP27 - (English)Create Your First AWS CDK Pull Request(4K 2160p) take notes for future use. The environment I am using when I take this notes is: macOS Catalina (10.15.6), installed with homebrew, zsh, nvm, docker.

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Note: Influence: Chapter 5-6

(Illustration: Antelope Canyon in Northern Arizona. The reflective surfaces on the canyon walls make it difficult for cameras to get a good exposure. Is there a connection to human psychology? Photo by Daniel Seßler on Unsplash)

This year, I enthusiastically joined the B2B book club organized by Digital Marketing Connect (DMC) to continue expanding my learning field. (The last time I seriously read a marketing book was probably Philip Kotler’s Management Marketing during the remote reading club with Bob in college.)

Recently, Arizona has been a hot keyword due to tsmc’s (then rumored to be lowercase “t”) plans to establish a manufacturing plant there. Coincidentally, the selected book for the first few months of the book club is <Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion> by Dr. Robert B. Cialdini from Arizona State University, published in 1984. It seems to have had a significant influence on the marketing field for more than thirty years and is often cited as a reference in marketing-related materials (but it is also possible that I started looking for related information from this book).

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Notes: COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology

(Context: Wherever we walk, you will leave traces, would we leave some sort of traces after nearby contact? Image source.)

Apple and Google jointly published a press release about: “Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology” on April 10, 2020. Also provide APIs of both Apple iOS and Google Android platforms, and corresponding technical documents: Contact Tracing Bluetooth SpecificationContact Tracing Cryptography Specification.

I guess there could be some Flutter plugins based on it very soon. :)

This is a personal reading notes. I would like to start with privacy and Bluetooth specification documents. I want to learn and practice how to plan and organize such kind of solution architecture to resolve some challenges in the future.

The content of this reading notes will include my personal observation and comments. The purpose of taking notes is to improve my learning efficiency and keep the habit of sharing.

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AWS re:Invent 2019 New Launch Feature Amazon ECS Cluster Capacity Providers


It has been a long time that have a new feature for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)! This time, there is a great new feature named Amazon ECS Cluster Capacity Providers. This post will share the session of CON312 [NEW LAUNCH!] Automatic cluster scaling with Amazon ECS of AWS re:Invent 2019.

Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service. Amazon uses Amazon ECS for their couple products and services. At the mean time, Duolingo, Samsung, GE, and Cook Pad are also Amazon ECS users.

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